Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Benefits Of Taking Vitamin B12

Benefits of Taking Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a key contributor in your body to the formation of cells, especially in helping make healthy red blood cells and important parts of your nerve cells. B12 is found in food products such as meat, shellfish, and dairy foods. Although most people do not have to worry about their supply of B12 there are those that need to take the vitamin to maintain their health. Here's a look at B12 and its benefits.


In addition to maintaining strong red blood cells and nerve cells B12 is necessary to form your genetic DNA. The acids in your stomach release the B12 found in your food where it combines with something called intrinsic factor, a protein. It is then absorbed into your bloodstream.

Time Frame

The body has the ability to store up to a year's worth of B12 in the liver, so there is no need to worry about having a deficiency of this substance. People over 65 years of age are at the most risk of developing a lack of it. You can get your daily requirement of B12 by eating such foods as chicken breast, raisins, or eggs.


There are other vital benefits to vitamin B12 as it keeps megaloblastic anemia at bay, a disease where the red blood cells are too big and do not work correctly. A variety of neurological symptoms can accompany a B12 deficiency, including vision problems, muscle weakness, incontinence, and even dementia. Pernicious anemia will occur when B12 is not in abundance; a lack of intrinsic factor can precipitate this meaning you will need B12 supplements for the rest of your life to avoid the accompanying symptoms of fatigue and overall tiredness.


One thing about B12 is that you cannot have too much of it. Your body will use what it needs, store some away, and the rest will leave your body via your urine.


A deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in what is known as B12 deficiency anemia, a condition which results in your body not making enough red blood cells. The body suffers from a lack of oxygen overall. This condition can come from not having enough of B12 in your diet or if your digestive system fails to absorb B12 from your food properly. Symptoms can include being tired, weak, constipation or diarrhea, numbness in your toes and fingers, and depression. This is a serious deficiency and can cause lasting damage to the brain and nerve cells if not attended to with supplements of B12.

Tags: blood cells, nerve cells, your body, Benefits Taking, Benefits Taking Vitamin, intrinsic factor