Monday, February 16, 2009

Know If Broccoli Is Decayed

Avoid purchasing broccoli with thick or tough stems.

Broccoli contains many vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber and protein. After you purchase fresh broccoli, it needs used within at least three days because the vitamins will begin to diminish. Since broccoli has a short storage life, the produce requires an inspection before you consume it to determine if the vegetable has decayed. Consuming decayed or spoiled broccoli can cause you to become ill. Follow these steps to determine if broccoli is decayed.


1. Examine the florets on the broccoli. If the florets appear yellow instead of green then they have started to decay. Fresh broccoli will appear dark green in color.

2. Look at the broccoli carefully to inspect if for signs of mold. Mold will appear as areas of discoloration on the produce. Discard the broccoli immediately if you notice mold.

3. Touch the broccoli to feel the texture. Avoid broccoli that appears soft or slippery because this indicates spoilage.

4. Smell the broccoli closely. If you notice an odd odor or foul smell, discard the broccoli as this indicates it has gone bad.

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