Monday, September 17, 2012

Keep Teeth Healthy And Strong

Keep Teeth Healthy and Strong

You often hear about all the foods that are bad for your teeth. Don't eat this! Don't eat that! Well, there are some foods that actually contribute to good tooth health. Read on to find out what you can eat to keep teeth healthy and strong!


1. GET ENOUGH CALCIUM -- Calcium is not only good for strong bones, but also good for strong teeth. Your teeth are embedded in the jaw bone. If bone density falls, your teeth won't have a firm footing. So get plenty of calcium by eating calcium rich dairy products such as yogurt, milk, and cheese and also fish such as sardines, mackerel and salmon.

2. GET ENOUGH VITAMIN C -- Vitamin C is critical for keeping your gums healthy and disease free. It strengthens blood vessels the connective tissue that holds your teeth in your jaw. Vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation which may slow the progression of gingivitis. You can take a vitamin C supplement to promote tooth health or eat foods rich in vitamin C such as fruits, beans, and vegetables.

3. DRINK WATER AND GREEN TEA -- Water helps wash away food particles that can get trapped in teeth. If you can't brush, you should at swish some water around in your mouth after eating. Drinking green tea is also good for your teeth as it is thought to help prevent tooth decay due to it's ability to kill certain bacteria. And green tea is less likely to cause stains on teeth.

Tags: also good, foods that, good strong, Healthy Strong, Teeth Healthy, Teeth Healthy Strong