Monday, August 6, 2012

Vitamins To Help Brown Spots

Unsightly brown spots that appear on your skin can be the result of overexposure to the sun, age or pigment deposits. Some vitamin-rich creams are purported to lessen the appearance over time. However, it is recommended that while you treat the spots that you avoid the sun and always wear a good moisturizer with SPF. Although most spots are harmless, along with a good cream treatment, you should see a dermatologist annually to rule out any abnormalities that may be of concern.

Out Damn Spot!

There are many reasons for brown spots on the skin including Vitamin B deficiencies--specifically folic acid and niacin---genetics and too much sun exposure. The treatments for brown spots are also varied. Certainly the best line of treatment for brown spots is to start taking care of your skin early by avoiding the sun, using a moisturizer that has a Vitamins A, C and E and a good SPF 30. But if you have begun noticing spots, there are treatments.

Retin A

To remove or lessen the appearance of existing brown spots, dermatologists will often prescribe topical prescription creams with tretinoin, a Vitamin A acid commonly referred to as Retin A. Retin A is purported to eliminate spots and also prevent new spots. However, it does make the skin peel and become even more sensitive to sunlight so you cannot continue tanning

Supple Skin

Vitamin C is also "important in keeping the skin looking younger," according to Dr. Lorraine Meisner, professor of preventive medicine at the University of Wisconsin Medical School in Madison. Her recommendation: take about 500 mg of Vitamin C daily to maintain supple, more youthful skin. Also any creams with bioflavonoids---plant compounds typically found in fruits and vegetables---when combined with Vitamin C, may also assist in tissue repair. Vitamin E when applied topically or taken orally is a vitamin that is good for the skin. In addition to taking a daily supplement, you can puncture a hole in a capsule and rub the E directly on the spots on your skin and leave on overnight. Because Vitamin E is known as a vitamin that aids in tissue repair, this may be a safe and more inexpensive treatment to lessen the appearance of brown spots. However, professional medical advice is best. Consult with your dermatologist or physician before starting any treatment program or starting a vitamin regimen.

Tags: brown spots, lessen appearance, your skin, creams with, spots also