Treat Cirrhosis With Natural Medicine
Scarring of the liver, or cirrhosis, occurs in people who suffer from chronic liver disease. Cirrhosis limits important liver function such as the elimination of toxins and pathogens, the regulation of protein in the blood and the production of bile necessary for the absorption of fats and vitamins. While cirrhosis is an irreversible condition, early treatment with gentle, natural medicine can help to prevent further damage to the liver. Read on to learn more about treat cirrhosis with natural medicine.
1. Add celery seed to your foods as you would any other spice, a common herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat cirrhosis. Studies have shown that celery seed helps to protect the liver from toxins and other damaging agents, helping to prevent further scarring and liver damage.
2. Drink dandelion tea two or three times a day, a natural diuretic used in natural medicine to treat a number of ailments. Cirrhosis can cause excess fluid build-up in the liver, therefore, the gentle diuretic effects of dandelion tea can be very helpful in treating your symptoms.
3. Consume as much green tea as possible every day to help prevent the spread of cirrhosis and replenish important vitamins the liver needs. Green tea should be taken at least five times a day to help protect the liver from toxic substances, such as alcohol and acetaminophen. Green tea is also rich in Vitamin K, an important vitamin for the liver, particularly in the early stages of liver disease.
4. Take milk thistle extract daily, an effective natural medicine for both the prevention and treatment of liver conditions. Milk thistle helps to protect the liver from further damage caused by viruses, toxins, certain drugs as well as alcohol. Follow the manufacturer's or your doctor's instructions for dosage information.
5. Spice up your foods with turmeric, an ancient spice that will add a peppery taste to your foods while protecting your liver at the same time. Turmeric can help to protect the liver by aiding in the elimination of harmful substances and should be consumed regularly.