Thursday, June 13, 2013

Get Rid Of Cellulite With Raw Eating

Cellulite is fat that has deposited in a specific area of the body. It makes the skin appear bumpy with some indentation marks. Reducing body fat and cleansing the body of excess toxins will help reduce cellulite and make the skin look better. There are foods that can specifically help reduce cellulite, but it should be part of a healthy diet and exercise plan to get the best results.


1. Eat fruit. Fruit, especially organic, is a great way to fight toxins. The best fruit for getting rid of cellulite is bright fruit like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries. Bananas and mangos help reduce fluid retention and improve circulation. Oranges and grapefruits have lecithin, which strengthens the skin.

2. Eat plenty of vegetables. The best ones for the appearance of cellulite are spinach, cauliflower, tomatoes, fennel, bell peppers, and carrots. They all have lecithin in them, which helps strengthen the skin. Cucumbers and asparagus will fight water retention.

3. Eat high-fiber foods like lentils, mung beans, and red kidney beans. They fight inflammation of the connective tissues. Fruits and vegetables are also great high-fiber foods.

4. Eat good sources of protein like chicken and white fish. The amino acids will help fight fluid retention. Oily fish contains fats that will hydrate the skin.

5. Drink a glass of hot water with a lemon in the morning. This will detoxify your body right away.

6. Boost your collagen levels by eating eggs, poultry, and drinking skim milk. Eggs also have great detoxifying agents.

7. Add walnuts, almonds, salmon, and olive oil to your diet. Their essential fatty acids help repair skin tissue.

8. Add onions to your food as much as possible. Onions release water buildup from skin cells.

9. Drink at least two l of water every day. This will flush out the toxins stored in fat.

Tags: help reduce, fluid retention, have lecithin, help reduce cellulite, high-fiber foods, reduce cellulite