Friday, December 23, 2011

Harvest Celery Root

Celery root adds nutritious vitamins to recipes.

Celery root -- also known as celeriac -- grows with leaves and stems above the ground and a lightly colored bulbous root beneath the soil. Celery root prefers cool soil, growing well during the spring before the soil warms. Gardeners might start celery root indoors and then transplant it outdoors in early spring. Approximately three to four months after sowing the seeds, harvest celery root. Chop or shred the tender root and add it to soups and stews.


1. Cut celery root leaves at any time with the pruning shears. Wash the leaves and chop them. Add the leaves to soups.

2. Check the size of the celery root before you harvest. Brush aside the soil on either side of the stems so you can see the tops of the celery root growing beneath the soil. When the celery root has a diameter of about 4 inches, harvest the celery root.

3. Insert the tines of the garden spade beneath the celery root to remove it gently from the soil. Push the garden spade beneath the celery root and remove it.

4. Shake and rub excess soil from the celery root.

5. Cut the stems from the roots immediately with the pruning shears. If you leave the stems attached to the celery root, the roots shrivel. Use the leaves from the stems for cooking.

Tags: celery root, celery root, Celery root, with pruning shears, beneath celery