Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Apricot Kernels For Cancer Cure

Apricot Seeds

Apricot seeds are the richest known source of anti-tumor agent vitamin B-17 (B17), also known as amygdalin or laetrile. However, a person would have to eat an excessive amount of apricot seeds in order to ingest enough B17 to be effective against cancer. For this reason, many cancer patients alternatively use Laetrile (a pharmaceutical grade form of B17) or pure apricot seed oil. B17 therapy has been proven and illustrated to work by some of the top cancer specialists in the world, including Oasis of Hope Hospital in Mexico where they have successfully treated over 100,000 cancer patients.

What is Vitamin B-17?

Vitamin B-17 is made up of two parts glucose, one part hydrogen cyanide and one part benzaldehyde. When B17 comes in contact with the body's healthy cells, it is broken down by the enzyme rhodanese into two beneficial nutrients, thiocyanate and benzoic acid. Any excess of these by-products is expelled from the body via urine. The body is unharmed by this process.

How B17 Works

The enzyme rhodanese is found in large quantities all throughout the body---except at the site of the cancer cell. Where cancer cells exist, a different enzyme, beta-glucosidase, is found. If there are no cancer cells in the body, then there is no beta-glucosidase. When B17 comes in contact with cancer cells, there is no rhodanese to neutralize it, but instead only the enzyme beta-glucosidase, which is present in very large quantities. When B17 and beta-glucosidase make contact, a chemical reaction occurs and the hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde combine to produce a poison which destroys and kills the cancer cell. This process is known as "selective toxicity." Only the cancer cells are targeted and destroyed. The conventional chemotherapeutic agents used by mainstream medicine are hundreds of times more toxic than B17. Laboratory tests even conclude that table sugar is twenty times more toxic than B17.

The Importance of Zinc

Zinc plays a key role in helping the lymphocytes (white blood cells) kill cancer. Zinc ions act as "spark plugs" to activate the enzymes within lymphocytes that digest cancer cells. You can administer excessive amounts of B17, but if zinc levels are inadequate, B17 can't get into the tissues of the body. It has also been proven that nothing heals within the body without sufficient vitamin C.

Pancreatic Enzymes

The pancreatic enzymes, trypsin and chymotrypsin, also must be present in order for B17 therapy to work. These enzymes penetrate and destroy the protein coating that protects cancer cells. When this protein coating is removed, the cancer cell becomes unshielded from attack by the immune system or anti-cancer agents such as those found in B17. Alternatively, if the protein coating of the cancer cells remains intact, the cells are able to multiply and spread in the form of tumors. During B17 therapy, it is crucial that you maintain adequate digestive enzyme levels by supplementing with digestive enzymes and eliminating practices that use up the body's enzymes, such as eating animal meat.


Cancer patients should always consult with their primary health care provider prior to starting or stopping any cancer treatment. There are no guarantees with B17 or any cancer therapy. Hiring a trained professional to administer and monitor B17 therapy or any alternative cancer therapy is always recommended. Never stop taking prescribed medication without first consulting your physician.

Tags: cancer cells, cancer cell, protein coating, been proven, cancer patients, cancer therapy