Friday, April 29, 2011

Relieve Pain From Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are minerals that have combined in the urine. Some are tiny and travel through the urinary tract with little problem. If enough combine, however, stone size can grow large. As the body tries to remove the stone it meets resistance, causing pain that ranges from a mild 1 to a full-blown 10 on the pain scale. Treatment for kidney stone pain varies depending on the size, type and position of the stone.


Making Lifestyle Changes

1. Drink plenty of water (eight to 12 glasses) each day.

2. Drink juices containing citric acid. They will divide the calcium and salt of the stone, making it easier to pass and alleviating unnecessary pain.

3. Eat therapeutic foods. Foods like apples and celery naturally break down existing stones, making them easier to pass and considerably less painful in the process. Grapes and watermelon have wonderful diuretic properties that help the body shed excess water, taking small kidney stones along the way.

4. Take the right vitamins. Vitamin B complex contains magnesium, which helps to dissolve kidney stones; Vitamin C has ascorbic acid, which is also useful in the same way.

5. Avoid too much mineral intake; especially calcium. Taking calcium in pill form is discouraged. It can lead to larger, more painful kidney stones.

6. Reduce red meat consumption. It is more difficult to digest, which means those remaining pieces could build up in the wrong the place--your kidney.

7. Reject the temptation to overindulge in vitamin intake. Take only those supplements you need rather than every one that is recommended on TV or in magazines. Vitamins form crystals in the urine, which can accumulate and bond with minerals to create larger, more painful kidney stones.

8. Stay away from alcohol, other than an occasional beer. Most alcoholic beverages deposit dozens of impurities into the human body. They eventually end up in the kidney, where they can bond with minerals to create larger, more painful kidney stones. On the other hand, alcohol works as a diuretic, which can be helpful in passing stones. That's why drinking a beer is perfectly O.K. to help dull the stone pain and encourage the little bugger to leave the system.

Treating Pain Naturally

9. Apply hot or cold compresses to the pain area to help dull the pain. Most people find heat more soothing and helpful, but a few prefer the numbing cold of ice.

10. Move around to help the stone work its way through the system. Some people find that movement also helps to alleviate the pain.

11. Rest in a semi-upright position with pillows behind the kidney area (if that is where the pain originates rather than the ureter). Lying down flat can sometimes increase the pain and make it more difficult for the stone to move properly.

12. Ingest tea made from dandelion root. It is a natural kidney cleanser.

13. Try herbal therapy. Certain herbs work like diuretics, relieving the irritation of the urinary tract, thereby alleviating pain. Herb choices might include aloe vera juice, corn silk, hydrangea or juniper berries.

Obtaining Medical Treatment

14. Try an over-the-counter NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) like ibuprofen if the pain is mild. Most physicians will suggest such a medication as a starting point before moving on to anything heavier in nature. They may also prescribe slightly stronger drugs like naproxen.

15. Take all doctor-prescribed medications designed to prevent or alleviate renal colic. It occurs when kidney stones get caught in the kidney. These drugs are specifically designed to help break kidney stones down and flush them away. These may include allopurinol, diuretics, phosphates, sodium bicarbonate or sodium citrate. Antibiotics may also be prescribed if the stones have created or are the result of an infection.

16. Take narcotic medications as prescribed for severe pain. These will typically include Demerol, Fiorinol, Morphine and Vicodin. Lower dosages can be prescribed in pill form. Larger ones may require injection or IVs.

17.Explore acupuncture. Although not heavily used in the United States, it is popular in Asian kidney treatment.

18. Take part in shock wave lithotripsy if recommended by your physician. It uses energy waves to break the located kidney stone down, making it easier and less painful to pass.

19. Resort to surgery to end pain if the stones are not passable. While this is a last resort, in some cases it makes the most sense.

Tags: kidney stones, larger more, larger more painful, more painful, more painful kidney, painful kidney