Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Does Spinach Promote Hair Growth

Green leafy spinach

There are a variety of hair-care products on the market that advertise their ability to help with your hair growth. However, maintaining healthy hair and stimulating hair growth must start from the inside out. Along with a balanced diet of proteins, healthy carbohydrates and vegetables, adding spinach to your diet plan can be helpful in promoting your hair growth.

Hair Growth

Hair grows from hair follicles beneath the skin. An oily gland called the sebaceous gland secretes sebum, an oily substance that naturally conditions your hair, into the hair follicle. The hair shaft, the part of hair above the skin, is made up of keratin, which is a tough, fibrous, protein that forms hair and finger nails.

Vital Vitamins

Spinach has many nutrients and vitamins. Vitamins vital for hair growth and found in abundance in spinach are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Vitamins A and C are essential for the body to produce sebum, while Vitamin E is an antioxidant that boosts scalp circulation, which is needed for healthy hair growth.

Essential Minerals

Iron and manganese are two essential minerals needed for healthy hair growth. Spinach contains a high amount of each of these minerals. Iron helps prevent hair loss, and manganese helps to maintain healthy hair.

Spinach Varieties

There are three different kinds of spinach available and all contain more nutrients than many other foods. Savoy has crisp and curly leaves; smooth-leaf has smooth, flat, spade-shaped leaves; and semi-savoy is a hybrid variety. With these choices it is easy to incorporate the leafy vegetable into your diet.


If you have hair loss issues due to medical reasons or sudden hair loss, consult your doctor.

Tags: hair growth, healthy hair, hair loss, your hair, healthy hair growth