Monday, July 9, 2012

Side Effects Of Liquid Vitamins

Liquid vitamins are often used by people who prefer them over pills. However, there are some side effects that are associated with liquid vitamins, so you should check with your doctor before taking them. According to weight-loss website 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet, liquid vitamins may be stronger than pills. If you suspect any side effects, call your physician immediately.

Allergic Reaction

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to liquid vitamins may include itchiness, redness and hives.


Although vitamins can be a supplemental dietary solution, taking too many will do you more harm than good. Symptoms of a liquid vitamin overdose include kidney stones, diarrhea, menstrual changes, muscle weakness, heart palpitations, flatulence, stomach cramps, teeth staining, stomach bleeding and more frequent urination.

Upset Stomach

Liquid vitamins may upset your stomach. Try taking them with other liquids or with a meal.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a component in prenatal vitamins that helps support fetal growth. According to, some liquid vitamins contain folic acid, which may cause side effects if you are not pregnant. Symptoms include breathing difficulties, diarrhea, facial swelling, hives, nausea, rash and stomach problems.


Keep liquid vitamins out of the reach of children. Store liquid vitamins at room temperature and do not use them past the expiration date.

Tags: side effects, liquid vitamins, liquid vitamins, taking them